Sunday, April 17, 2005

hav been slacking for the weekend... haha... juz like the feeling of stayin at home doin nth... lol juz rot ard... today went toa payoh buy the teva slippers... my dad's belated bday present for mi? lol.. anyway, after tat went yishun my dad go collect the fishin rod... he gng fishin tomolo... i also wan go... sobz... long time never go ecp there fish le... bt also gd la... tomolo after fishin he can go fetch mi haha... tink will be skipping tomolo's lep make-up lecture.. haha..

Saturday, April 16, 2005

over the rainbow... wat a nice song...

haven been updating recently... tink its rather pointless to blog... though ppl mite say tat tis serves as an online diary.. bt i dun tink so... i tink tis isnt a diary lo... reason is simple.. cos wat we';r writing in diary is onli for ourselves to read... bt nt here... secrets r meant to be kept, tat's the purpose of a secret isnt it?

anyway, juz blog for fun lo... school starts for few wks le.... so nth much to blog bout.... oh ya.. my bro went to bangkok last week n bought doraemon for mi.. haha... so gd tat he can go travel... nvm.. nx time when i work n earn money le also can go... haha..

btw, having 2 tests nx week... so sian... dun feel like studyin... mayb as wat xr said, the tests r meant for us to fail de.. lol...

Monday, April 04, 2005


went to malaysia with my family on sat, 2nd apr with my sis's company... went to my mum's hometown... its juz a small kampong-like area where its famous for its lobster... haha... ya its called 四弯岛,bt its nt an island.. lol... sumwhere near desaru... 虽然那儿不是什么繁华都市,也不是什么购物天堂,但那纯朴的乡村生活所散发的浓厚气息,实在令人感到很舒服。晚饭过后,我们乘坐小船在河畔漂泊着,等待夜幕的降临。那种远离尘嚣的感觉,真的令人忘却一切烦恼。仿佛唯一的目标就是看见那萤火虫。那种等待,并不漫长,因为大家已沉浸在大自然的怀抱中。望着两岸的树林,瞧那平静的河水,谁还会记起一切的伤心往事呢?萤火虫体型虽然很小,但它所散发的光芒,带给人们无比欢乐,又有谁会赞赏它呢?
the fireflies r realli nice... drifting along the river, everything seems so peaceful.... nth seems to be bothering us all...

today... nth much.. started tutorials... still quite ok.... btw, thx sis n bear for the deuter bag... luv it veri much.. =) den tracy coming for tuition soon... so tired... wanna sleep.. lol....


went to malaysia with my family on sat, 2nd apr with my sis's company... went to my mum's hometown... its juz a small kampong-like area where its famous for its lobster... haha... ya its called 四弯岛,bt its nt an island.. lol... sumwhere near desaru... 虽然那儿不是什么繁华都市,也不是什么购物天堂,但那纯朴的乡村生活所散发的浓厚气息,实在令人感到很舒服。晚饭过后,我们乘坐小船在河畔漂泊着,等待夜幕的降临。那种远离尘嚣的感觉,真的令人忘却一切烦恼。仿佛唯一的目标就是看见那萤火虫。那种等待,并不漫长,因为大家已沉浸在大自然的怀抱中。望着两岸的树林,瞧那平静的河水,谁还会记起一切的伤心往事呢?萤火虫体型虽然很小,但它所散发的光芒,带给人们无比欢乐,又有谁会赞赏它呢?
the fireflies r realli nice... drifting along the river, everything seems so peaceful.... nth seems to be bothering us all...

today... nth much.. started tutorials... still quite ok.... btw, thx sis n bear for the deuter bag... luv it veri much.. =) den tracy coming for tuition soon... so tired... wanna sleep.. lol....