haven been updating recently... tink its rather pointless to blog... though ppl mite say tat tis serves as an online diary.. bt i dun tink so... i tink tis isnt a diary lo... reason is simple.. cos wat we';r writing in diary is onli for ourselves to read... bt nt here... secrets r meant to be kept, tat's the purpose of a secret isnt it?
anyway, juz blog for fun lo... school starts for few wks le.... so nth much to blog bout.... oh ya.. my bro went to bangkok last week n bought doraemon for mi.. haha... so gd tat he can go travel... nvm.. nx time when i work n earn money le also can go... haha..
btw, having 2 tests nx week... so sian... dun feel like studyin... mayb as wat xr said, the tests r meant for us to fail de.. lol...
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