Thursday, May 31, 2007

Happy Vesak Day!!!

Had a wonderful holiday eve with Nicholas, Boz and Shanrong yesterday... went kbox with them and we sang from 10pm till they close at 3am! haha we were supposed to leave at 1am but since nobody came to "disturb" us, we just kept singing! was really fun and enjoyable.. Sometimes, little things in life make us realise something so significant that will change our life =)

went Race Course road temple with parents and kor juz now then go ang mo kio for lunch..


Had driving yesterday also, seems that my steering still not very good haha.. wonder if they are just consoling me, but it feels great to hear from people whom i respect and trust that everything will be alright.. anyway im feeling happy and contented now, cos i know i have great family and great frens around me..

"In life, what sometimes appears to be the end, is actually a new beginning."

When we look at the same thing at different perspective, things will be very different. I shall say I'm a mind over heart person, so I tend to think more logically than emotionally, sometimes too logical that people say I'm looking too much into things. Perhaps its true, sometimes I really think too deeply and look too much into things. I'm also skeptical about things in life. But I'm trying to learn to look at things at different angles, and not complicate simple things, and not doubting people's intention. 防人之心不可无,但我不想当刺猬,我也相信我不是。Its just that sometimes, I will not say out my most inner feelings. Though sometimes I do, but it depends on the other party, I choose people to relate to regarding different issues. However, there are people whom I'll never disclose confidential information to. Its not that I don't trust them, but just that sometimes I find it hard to.

Well, haven't write this kind of entry for a long time, I must be too free today lol.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Am glad that there's always people there for me when I needed most.. Nick was with me ytd, when i felt sad and lost.. he cheered me up, makes me forget the unhappiness temporarily, and gave me lots of encouragement which reminded me of that person of great influence.. Am thankful and grateful that i have a great family and great frens around me... Hopefully, as Nick said, things aren't as bad as I thought..

No matter what happens, I shall live life to the fullest, even though its natural to feel dejected initially.. Have thought of all other possibilities, and they doesn't seem that bad.. 正所谓条条大路通罗马,人生到处都是机遇,只要我们不气馁,就一定能走向康庄大道!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Okies ppl im back frm Taiwan!!!
was rather fun, but i still prefer beijing, cos taipei is all bout shopping... got alot of food stuffs back.. went to alot of night markets, climbed yangming mountain with yuxuan, 国父纪念馆, 袖珍博物院, Mirammar ferries wheel, 故宫博物院, 士林官邸, 国立台湾民主纪念馆(前中正纪念堂),孔庙,龙山寺,淡水老街,乌来温泉,台北101。seems like we went alot of places.. haha our hotel was located at a good location which was very near to taipei 101.. thought the food there will be very nice, but perhaps its becos my expectations are too high, or becos we are not used to their way of eating, it seems that the food there ain as nice as expected...

due to the lack of sleep during the trip, i slept from 1130 last nite to 3.30pm today haha.. received a call frm moe, thought it will be good news, bt it seems that they still need to discuss cos of my condition.. but this also means that i passed the interview! haha so if i din get into the course, i know what's the reason.. alot of gatherings in the upcoming weeks.. cousins' gathering this sun, the other side's relatives' bbq 2 weeks later..
Random Network Check Instructions: Name 20 ppl u can think of at the top of your head.Dun read the below questions before you write and tag 5 ppl to do this survey.

How did you meet 14? (Doris)
She asked me for the time while waiting for our parents in concourse in sec 1...and we became classmates and good frens in sec 3 & 4..

What would you do if you never met 1? (Guihao)
Life will be different, she's a fren who's always there for me when i need..

What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? (Ghimhan and biying)
Haha they didn't know each other.. but maybe they're compatible cos one is quiet and the other is more talkative lol.

Did you ever like 19? (Kenneth)
Eh like as a fren ba, esp when he helps us to repair out pc.. haha

Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? (wanying and shurong)
haha they;re both gals..

Describe 3. (Samartha)
frenly and warm gal but tends to worry too much? lol.

Do you think 18 is attractive? (Shifu)
hahah he's old enuff to be my dad.. mayb when he's young? he is good at words.. lol

Tell me something about 7. (Shixiong)
A person full of crap, but is entertaining too! haha

Do you know any of 12's family? (Lihao)
Nope.. only knows that he has sisters.. haha

What's 8's favourite? (Nicholas)
Guns and roses.. interacting with kids...

What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you? (Susan)
Hahaha.. both of us are gals, and she's already married with 2 kids!

What language does 15 speak? (Yishan)
Hmmm.. English, Chinese, Teochew

Who is 9 going out with? (Biying)
Nt very sure but think currently nobody ba..

How old is 16 now? (Sihui)
Same age as me..

When was the last time you talked to 13? (Zan)
At the airport which is 1 week ago..

Who's 2 favourite band/singer? (Xinrou)
eh..not very sure leh think she listens to all types of music?

Would you date 4? (Yuxuan)
Date her for shopping and museum trips!lol

Would you date 7? (Shixiong)
Hahah.. good question i dunno how to answer..

Is 15 single? (Yishan)
Think so ba.. haha

What's 10's last name? (Yang Yang)

Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 20? (Ghimhan)
haha.. most prob no ba.. but life is unpredictable...

What school does 3 go to? (Samarha)
Holy Innocents, Chung Cheng Main, Temasek JC...

Where does 6 live? (Wanying)

Whats your favourite thing about 5? (Angel)
She's pretty! haha n she's fun to be with..

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Going off to Taiwan soon!!! Looking forward to hot spring!!

On the other hand, am sad cos I almost strike 4d... As in, the number I wanted to buy came out but I never buy!! Sadz.. Normally I'll buy de lo... Must be too tired liaoz after eating the medicine for giddiness.. Haiz, maybe its not meant to be mine... Anyway, am hoping that everything goes well for the trip and for everyone...

Another note, heard frm shi xiong that shifu said I pro liaoz haha.. Am so happy to hear that, but think I'm still abit slow... Think this kind of thing is 熟能生巧.. Hopefully will be able to improve on my weaknesses..

14 more hours to flying!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Our friendship will last, i thought..
only till recently, i realise..

Everything is unpredictable..
everyone changes..

Repeating history..
roughly similar..

In my memory, all remains..
in fact, i miss those days..

Many things are unchanged..
maybe not all..

I don't know..
in any case, just wish to see him again..

Sometimes, its not within our control..
so let's just leave it to fate..

Since then, i am lost..
so lost in a sea of uncertainties..

Usually not so..
used to love uncertainty, but not now..

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day! Had mother's day celebration yesterday already...

Tuition at The Mentor was fun and interesting yesterday... took 24 to bedok after that... got another hair clip and flower on top of the glass pendant i bought for mum... walked to hiang suar restaurant, and had a sumptuous dinner.. as usual, family wants to go bedok interchange after dinner... so went for awhile, before going to east coast park -- bedok jetty! long time since i last been there, think around 4 months.. nice feeling, esp with family, recalled how we always went there everyweek when i was young... dad will go fishing, mum will be preparing food, me and siblings will be playing at the beach... the good old days...

Friday, May 11, 2007

nothing much happened this week... except that this week is my students' exams, and luckily its all over now.. driving more smoothly, but still abit slow at reacting to sudden circumstances, think just need more experience..

went for moe interview today.. guessed i was clear enough for them to know that im more interested to teach in chinese, cos in the 2nd half of the interview one of the interviewer actually interviewed me in chinese.. quite interesting actually, but some of my answers are rather silly.. anyway, met up with yx they all at bugis as she wanted to buy tankini.. but in the end, she din get any but get some shirts instead...

looking forward to tuitions tmr, 1st lesson for sherwin and also 1st lesson for the sec 4 class at nick's place.. afterthat will be mother's day celebration!!

yeah, taiwan in 6 days time!!! ^_^

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Am beginning to enjoy teaching Bronson.. he's the most obedient one among all my students, though his chinese is really below average.. but that makes it even more challenging.. haha and am glad that he finds chinese easier now ^_^

Well.. was packing some stuff in the room when i saw some cchms stuff like my chinese cultural society stuff, chinese notes, jian bao from lower sec... these trivial things actually made me rekindle my interest/passion for chinese... 2 years in jc, though studying lep, somehow made me lose that passion that i used to have when i was in cchms.. maybe its the environment or the teachers or the syllabus... it just seems that tjc is not a very good place to cultivate one's interest in chinese.. or perhaps its just my own mindset... right now, i found back the old me when i was in cchms, the passion in chinese that was once found in me -- its back! haha it sounds weird, but i want to thank all my chinese teachers in cchms, my ccs teacher, and also the person of great influence... some words they said might seem normal to us then, but thinking of it now, they are of great significance which perhaps, will make a great impact in our lives...

Thursday, May 03, 2007

thx sam n xr for your comments n sms.. actually the first and second part of my last post are on different issues... hmm nth much to update actually... tuition... driving... planning overseas trips... exchanging magnets... doing things that i enjoy...
人生很脆弱。。。这句话不知听过几十遍了, 但在某种情况下,听起来却感触良多。。。