Am beginning to enjoy teaching Bronson.. he's the most obedient one among all my students, though his chinese is really below average.. but that makes it even more challenging.. haha and am glad that he finds chinese easier now ^_^
Well.. was packing some stuff in the room when i saw some cchms stuff like my chinese cultural society stuff, chinese notes, jian bao from lower sec... these trivial things actually made me rekindle my interest/passion for chinese... 2 years in jc, though studying lep, somehow made me lose that passion that i used to have when i was in cchms.. maybe its the environment or the teachers or the syllabus... it just seems that tjc is not a very good place to cultivate one's interest in chinese.. or perhaps its just my own mindset... right now, i found back the old me when i was in cchms, the passion in chinese that was once found in me -- its back! haha it sounds weird, but i want to thank all my chinese teachers in cchms, my ccs teacher, and also the person of great influence... some words they said might seem normal to us then, but thinking of it now, they are of great significance which perhaps, will make a great impact in our lives...
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