Monday, July 02, 2007

Tuition on sat and then went parkway parade.. and its so funny, cos Nicholas and Sherwin started walking towards PP before I started my tuition at 2pm, and after I finished my tuition at 4pm and took a bus to PP, we reached at the same time.. LOL.. walked around and because its the last day before the GST hike, there was crowd everywhere.. Got an Esprit shirt, and Nic got 2 t-shirts.. took 43 back to punggol interchange and walked home after having a very filling dinner at Pastamania..

Celebrated Sam's birthday on Sunday. Invited her, guihao and xinrou over to my house for lunch and mahjong + dvd(just follow law).. Dad bought durians! Went compass point sakae sushi for dinner after that and yuxuan joined us. after that my sis also went compass with her fren and they're having dinner at Wasabi.. Jap food again, and i also ate a little.. haha..

Went for driving this morning, everything quite ok, and the ususally short 1-hour circuit seems to take a long time today.. anw learnt more recipes from shifu lol. after that he fetched me to cisco cos i need go for the photoshoot, but then i realised that they doesn't operate during lunch so i can only go at 2.30... sianz so walked under the scorching sun to Singpost for lunch then walked back to cisco.. meet Sam and wanying.. went bugis with them after photoshoot. abit tired so din really buy anything..

Mummy said that this morning they went to NHC and saw Miss Wong, my sis's pri sch teacher, and i knew her also.. hmm though she doesn't teach me, but she's my cca(eca then) teacher .. and she said that its good to be a chi teacher.. hahaha..

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