Friday, December 07, 2007

GESL is finally over! Haha am so happy the 2 days events went on rather smoothly, except for the amazing race yesterday due to the heavy rain that all of us were drenched.. the students from Hougang Sec are cooperative, and luckily the gals in my team are nice ppl to mix with, else will be very bored.. weather nowadays are really extreme, its so freezing cold yest and even now when I'm typing this.. think i'll wake up with a flu tmr haha alr sensed the sickness.. Well, but at least the 2 day events are finally over and done with, so will not have to bother about GESL stuff anymore!other than the reflections and stuff..

Went Hougang lib today and get some books. Haven been reading books, think I really need some spiritual lessons thru books.. looking forward to gatherings with long-time-no-see frens..

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