Monday, May 19, 2008

Am so happy today! Cos I got a hamster!! Her name is Pinkie, a black bear species!! Its so hard to find it cos normal pet shops never sell.. Managed to find it at Serangoon North.. Shall post up her pics someday..

Busy as i may seem, but i realise that many things are not as unforgettable as I thought.. is it just that my memory is not as good? perhaps its better that we dun use up our so called brain-memory to store too much of the past memories.. will it be better if we just concentrate on the future, planning ahead, and just forget about the past happiness and unhappiness? No, I just want to remember those beautiful memories and forget about the unhappy ones.. its not that easy, especially if something really makes you so unhappy that it affects you so much so that you can't forget it all..

There may come a day when our brain functions just like our thumbdrive, we can choose what to store and what to delete.. in that case, we can choose to delete away those unhappy memories that we dun wish to remember.. will it make the world a better place to live in??

Everything provides us with a learning opportunity, so I think if we just 'delete'away the unhappy memories and forget all about it, we may lose the lessons learnt from that incident as well.. 俗语说:有得必有失。所有的得与失其实都让人领悟某种道理,问题在于我们如何去看待它,我们利用哪一种心境去面对它。正如所有人都不可能是完美的,也不可能凡事都能达到本身所定下的水准与要求。也不是说应该降低水准与要求,只是觉得我们都该坦然面对,接受对方的不完美。可这一切谈何容易?只能不时地提醒自己:我也不是完美的,凭什么要求别人是完美的;我不能凡事都达到对方的要求,又凭什么要求对方一切都能符合我的要求呢?


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