Friday, August 29, 2008

This is a long weekend, cos there were no lessons on thurs and fri... however, it seems that i'm not doing anything constructive for the past 2 days... well at least i went shopping with wanying on wed night, that was something constructive i would say hahah cos i havent went shopping with her for a long time...

went hougang mall with mum in the afternoon for lunch and bought some baking stuff from redman.. goin to try out some stuff next week.. cooked chilli crab for dinner, it was great haha..

time and time again, i thought i'm forgiving... but sometimes, i don't know if i'm too prejudiced against that person or is it that the persons' doings are too ridiculous.. or is it that im not forgiving enough? anyway, i always believe that 人在做,天在看。as long as we're not guilty of what we've done, why bother bout others? but it is easier said than done, especially when i see that person bullying another person... this is really unfair... 一种米养百种人……

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