Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Am back from Genting trip! I love the weather there, always so cooling... Slept quite alot, its more of a trip for me to relax and enjoy...went to visit the 蓬莱仙境,which is a temple of 清水祖师。Chin Swee Caves Temple:

this is taken on bus, reaching the temple..

this is the pagoda..

this is actually a very big wall with water, but it can't be seen clearly...

there's a part of the place that reminds me of Haw Par Villa, as they also showcase the 'torturing' methods in hell, but there's only 10, and not 十八层地狱 as we usually said... i think it may be a good way to teach children of moral ethics.. i din take any pictures of that cos the sky seems dark so we walked very quickly thru that...
Its really a nice place, with beautiful scenery and nice sights to see... something of vast difference from Genting highlands, where everything is commercialised and looks just like any other shopping centres...

Back from the holiday, its time for me to start working on my assignments and study for the upcoming test...


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