Monday, April 27, 2009

yeah finally finished my exams!

went KTV with NIEgals at Chinatown 10dollar KTV its really cheap haha we sang from 3-7, until all of us tired... hahah... but after that still went Vivo to shop around and have dinner with Deary... just reached home and changed Pinkie's cage, she is still as cute as ever hahah...

anyway, got posted back to Rivervale again, and still waiting for my supervisor to call... hmm just realised that most of my classmates got part-time tutors as supervisor too... pity chihui cos her supervisor is Mr.Shake lol and he is known to be biased against M'sians... hopefully my supervisor will be good hahaha...

Most importantly, HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY WAN YING!

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