Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thanks alot Doris for your smses of concerns and also for what you posted on your blog... Really really appreciate it...

Somehow it seems that this sem is really hectic for many ppl, co alot of my frens are very stressed up over project deadlines and assignments, examms etc... for myself, i dun tink i'm tat stressed, but this sem is really a little more busy than before, perhaps cos the assignments and tests are spread thruout the sem... got back SG chinese assignment, though no grades given, but looking at his comments, i roughly know how i fare... I must say he's a great teacher, one of the better ones that i've met in nie.. he's the type who can really inspire ppl, this sort of reminds me of chenjiajun... haha anyway, all i can do now is to spend more time to prepare for exams.. but then again, its not the amount of info we gave, he cares more on our own opinions... so i've got to think of 'unique' views that he has never seen before lol.. hope i can fall back on my other modules to at least maintain my gpa...

Less than 1 month before Shanghai trip, but it seems so far away hahah and i dun wish for it to come so soon either.. cos i haven started studying for my exams yet! haven even finish all my assignmnets hahah.. shall go read up on the books on eunuch that i borrowed....

Jiayou for everyone who's reading this and is also rushing to meet deadlines and prepare for exams!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

This week is more peaceful, in a sense, cos no assignments due, other than amx e-learning.. but its only 500 words so still not that bad... went out with Doris on Friday to celebrate her 21st birthday in advance.. haha not really celebrate la, just a lunch toge and we shopped at bugis street for 3 hours! hah i got a pair of shoes, a dress and a top.. she get quite alot of stuff too, so it was a fruitful shopping trip for both of us.. i think its a great de-stress method in the midst of all these assignment deadlines lol...

well, but i got to cancel all my tuitions on sat, cos am not feeling well.. sorry papa and mama to make you all so worried about my condition.. and also Deary who's been very worried also.. i will take good care, i promise, and keep myself happy and cheerful always.. cos i think being too troubled/stressed/depressed will worsen my condition... and thats why i got a flare, due to the sadness i'm suffering from the week before... too many issues at the same time, i didn handle them well, and caused my own health to suffer, and caused my parents to worry so much... haiz... i really hope they wun have to worry so much for me, although i know its impossible, but the only thing i can do is to keep myself healthy and not having any flares....

after eating more medicine, i tink i'm getting better... not tat tired easily... maybe i really shouldn't worry too much in future.. but its not my choice either, it just so happens tat too many unhappy things happen to me at one go, that makes me so vulnerable, that makes the anti-bodies 有机可乘…………

saw this nice pair of green new balance shoes.. been contemplating to get them, but i seldom wear this kind of shoes, cos its not meant for sports... and for normal walking i'd prefer to wear slippers/sandals.. but it looks really nice... been yearning to get a pair of nice green shoes since i never had one before haha..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Long weekend!

Well, Lily and David came over for mahjong last night... erm they actually said they would come at 8plus, but in the end they reached at 12plus lol... and was watching so boliao youtube videos with deary while waiting for them.. so we played 1 round, and was 3plus alr, so they went home hahah.. not bad at least i got to win one game of 5tais hehe..

Hmm i guess everything turned out ok? hopefully we made the right decision, and won't regret haha.. Thx deary for everything, and hope u really wun change your mind again =p Welll i really enjoyed myself yesterday, though its only like lazing around doing work toge, playing games, watching videos, jogging and buy stuff hah but i really like the feeling =D

Anyway, went to visit 3rd aunt yesterday afternoon... cos last week no time to go hospital visit her.. quite sad, hopefully her condition will be good... hopefully the diagnosis will say that she's fine after operation.. when we visited her ytd, she was telling us about how she worked hard when she was young, hoping to retire by the age of 50 (cos she calculated and said that by the age of 50 she'd saved enough money to provide for the rest of her life)... however, illness came knocking on her door... all the money she worked hard to save for, became the medical fees.. haiz.. such is life, you'll never know what is upcoming and what it has in store for you... really hoping that she'll be fine...

the first step has been taken, hopefully it'll be a good one ^_^

Friday, October 16, 2009

This isn't a good week.. although am not as busy as last week, but am more troubled cos of 2 issues......

Long weekend ahead since no lessons on mon.. but doesn't have the 'holiday mood' cos i guess there's too much on my mind that everything else became of less importance... for the past 2 days, nothing gets registered in my brain during lessons, things doesn't taste the same as before.. seems that everything isn't the same again.. haiz but the problem isn't something that can be solved easily.... i dunno if i should place others before me or place myself before others.. i really dunno... why can't life be simpler??



Saturday, October 10, 2009

This is my blog's 300th post!

Anyway, it has been a busy week, with the Language acquisition test and SG Chinese report due... well so have 50% of both modules have been submitted, hopefully they helped.. Actually I think the test was rather easy in the sense that the things are all in the notes, and as long as we studied, should be able to do it, but since its this case, being able to do well and score is another matter lol...

Not only is sch work busy, have some other problems too.. haiz.. not my own prob actually, but somehow it affected me, and its quite disturbing... maybe time really will 冲淡感情?usually couples wun be as loving or behave the same way when they're toge for long compared to when they just got toge... or is it becos ppl expect more as the r/s grows and hence will be more disappointed when things dun go the same way they expect? okies i'm confused now cos i dunno whose prob am i really describing.. sometimes i just hope that i can 'ignore' somethings and pretend that i din know about it...

Well, AMX essay due next wed, but i haven really started on it..... waiting for somebody to help me lol

Sunday, October 04, 2009





Went for Pink Ribbon Walk this morning at ECP, ya its called a 'walk' so everybody is walking... but well, i sort of forced Deary to run the last half of the journey (2.5km) with me hahah so we did a slow jog... Was nice to run in the morning, cos i feel refreshed after that... Went Singpost for early lunch, since the event ended early around 10.. wanted to eat Suki sushi, but its not opened yet, so we went to the foodcourt... Went for tuition after that, and gave them the piglet biscuits haha hopefully they like it, cos i personally like it very much!

Went Costa sands chalet at Sentosa with Deary for our 26th monthsary... Walked around the nature trail, and realised that there's this Megazip thingy there, which is like some obs obstacle course! seems very fun and exciting! shall get more ppl to join us for that hahh there's even a flying fox from the mountain top to the siloso beach island..

Received the big dorayaki soft toy and the sand-made doraemon pic from deary.. haha he was wearing the reebok sports shirt that i got him, was a plot to get him to exercise more =p thanks Deary for the big dorayaki!

Recess week is coming to an end, but i have yet to start studying for Language Acquisition test on coming wed! Luckily the SG chinese essay is more or less done, left only some parts to edit.. Must start studying tomorrow!