Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Finally, after 2 visits to the doctors, my sore throat is gone, but am still coughing away.. thanks for the well wishes from my frens... assignments are piling up, and i just made a to-do list for my work, realised that there're actually 7 assignments (including lesson plans, reflections, essays etc) to be done, deadline for most will be in 2 weeks time.. haha how am i goin to survive...

well it also means that in about 1 month's time, i'll finish my exams... hahah okies better not think so far ahead, shall work to finish my assignments first... but, bro got Seaview chalet at Changi again.. he said that this will most prob be the last time he'll be getting it, cos he's leaving RSAF later in the year.. yeah so we'll be goin over later today, most prob i'lll stay till thur.. but travelling from changi to boonlay is tiring! haha its from one end of the island to another... okies i got to do work now..

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