Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Approaching the end...

Its finally Week 9 of our 10 weeks Practicum... Cleared all obs, and my sup will be coming down on Thur to discuss about my grades with the SCM as well as my CTs... it seems that the p3 class is really difficult to manage.. even until now, its not easy to catch their attn.. tried riddles, qian bian wen da ti, stories, games but still not easy to make them quiet... haiz... heard from other teachers its becos they know that i'm a trainee teacher, so not scared of me... they say once i become a full-fledged teacher, they'll be afraid.. is it true? hopefully....

well anyway, shall try to enjoy these last 2 weeks in sch.. esp with the p2 kids... shall have more fun activities for them next week.. they're cute!

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