Friday, January 07, 2005

Happy New Year!

happy new yr! its been one wk since i last blog... dun tink its a happy yr for most of yr due to the tsunami disaster... haiz..
anyway, attended 1 day of orientation at Nj... its realli fun n i realli enjoyed it... bt i still didn go back... haiz... its sort of i've gt no other choices.... suan le... anyway, glad to know tat most of my frens are happy with their sch's orientation n they enjoyed it veri much.. i mean, which teenager wun be happy to be able to hav great deal of fun?
ya, so stayed at home n enjoy my freedom these few days... can do anyting i wan... tats the advantage... haha.. bt muz admit tat mass dance n cheering of orientation is realli fun... hmmz... den the admisssion criteria for DICS is out... tink shd be able to get in... bt tinking whether is theree realli a future for mi to go? so waiting for the open hse on 19th...
19th jan is a great day... been waiting for it for the past 6 mths... bt it doesnt realli make much diff to mi nw... all the tings tat has happened had happened n they'll be in my memory... nth can change it le rite? well, shall enjoy my freedom nw... haha... bt ppl r preparing for the campfire nw... *envies* lol...

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