okies.. being tagged by sam to do this... haha...
Layer ONE: On the Outside
Name: Seah Hui Xin
Birth date: 05/04/1988
Current status: 18, single
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Red magenta
Righty or lefty: Righty
Zodiac sign: Dragon
Layer TWO: On the Inside
Your heritage: Chinese
Your fears: Things to happen at wrong timing...
Your weaknesses: Don't like to explain everything to everyone...
Your perfect pizza: All pieces having different flavours to suit the taste of all who r eating lol..
Layer THREE: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: I still want to sleep...
Your bedtime: 11++
Your most missed memory: talking to the somebody of great influence.. lol.. CCS days in cchms & lib days in tjc..
Layer FOUR: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: no preference..
Macdonalds or Burger King: depends on my mood.. haha
Single or group dates: alternate? haha
Adidas or Nike: adidas, but i prefer new balance..
Lipton tea or Nestea: Lipton tea
Chocolate or vanilla: Choco!
Cappucino or coffee: white coffee without sugar..
Layer FIVE: Do you..
Smoke: nopez
Curse: nopez
Gone to the mall: yupz of cos.. lol
Been on stage: yupz...
Eaten sushi: yupz...
Dyed your hair: yupz..
Layer SIX: Have You Ever
Played a stripping game: nope!
Changed who you were to fit in: nope and i never will cos i don't think there's such a need...
Layer SEVEN:
AgeYou're hoping to be married: leave it to fate...
Layer EIGHT: In a Girl/Guy
Best eye colour: no preference..
Best hair colour: no preference..
Layer NINE: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago: Answering some other layers
1hour ago: cooking fried rice!
1.5 hours ago: on bus home from tampines...
1 month ago: shopping at ikea tampines with lib exco after badminton..
1 year ago: juz any other normal sch day i think..
Layer TEN: Finish the Sentence
I love: my family! doraemon! gallen lo! haha
I feel: trying to enjoy live live to the fullest..
I hate: ppl who are insensitive with words..
I hide: My feelings
I miss: normal life...
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