Monday, June 04, 2007

As usual had tuition from 0930 to 1600 on sat.. this will continue till the end of the year at least.. after tuition went out with nicholas and sherwin to Bras Basah, and i bought doraemon comics! Haven got any for a long long time.. went penisular for dinner before going raffles city.. took 80 with nic to sk interchange and walked home =) yupz and we promised to go tea chapter together someday! finally found someone who have the same interest with me and likes to go there.. ^_^

was supposed to meet sihui, raf and singwei for badminton at 8am at tampines on sun.. but i actually overslept till 8++.. so sad, wanted to play badminton de.. havent play for a long time.. met them for breakfast at Mac before going to sihui's house, wait for her to bath then we went downtown east for pool.. dunno why but just feel very tired.. perhaps cos i slept late at 3am the previous nite?

will be going back tj for lib camp later.. hope it'll be fun.. its raining heavily now, wonder how are they doing for the city hike.. hope it won't rain in the night as we'll be having bbq! will be staying over then meeting wanying tmr for movie--shrek 3?

papa's bday on weds, going to cook chicken rice for him, tmr shall ask shifu for some pointers.. he said he only need 10 mins to cook it! so pro lo hopefully it turns out nice..

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